Motherlove More Milk Special Blend Tincture 4oz Herbal Lactatio...

Motherlove More Milk Special Blend Tincture 4oz Herbal Lactatio...

Motherlove More Milk Special Blend Tincture (4oz) Herbal Lactation Supplement w/Goat’s Rue to Build Breast Tissue & Enhance Breast Milk Supply—Vegan, Non-GMO, Organic, Kosher—Concentrated Liquid

  • SPECIAL BLEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: This blend is great if you did not see a change in cup size during pregnancy, have had previous breast surgeries, wish to relactate, or are an adoptive mom who wants to breastfeed.
  • BREAST TISSUE GROWTH: The herb goat's rue has been used for generations to support breast milk supply and build breast tissue. Because goat's rue assists in tissue development, it can take about two weeks to begin to see those results. However, the other galactagogues in this herbal lactation blend—fenugreek, blessed thistle, nettle, and fennel—tend to be faster acting.
  • EASILY ABSORBED FORMULA: This concentrated herbal liquid breastfeeding supplement means you're getting an easily absorbed boost in a convenient dose. Some herbal particles may collect in the dropper around the fill line—don't worry, its normal! Shaking the bottle can help disperse any gunk that has built up.
  • SUGGESTED USE: We recommend taking each dose at a meal time or other easy-to-remember moment throughout your day. Spreading doses out throughout the day is the most important thing! This bottle lasts roughly 4 weeks.
  • MOTHERLOVE CARES: As a women-owned, family-run, Certified B Corp, Motherlove cares about people and planet over profit. This product is soy-free, vegan, non-GMO, Kosher Certified by Kof-K, made in the USA with imported ingredients, and is USDA Certified Organic. Manufactured in an NSF-registered GMP facility.
  • Upvotes: 574
  • Brand: Motherlove
  • Product Code: 581
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $48.53








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