St. Johns Wort

St. Johns Wort

St. John's Wort

  • Happier You - FoxxyDoc's St Johns Wort encourages your mood to improve because it contains high potency Hypericin. Hypericin may balance your brain by increasing serotonin in your brain cells, encouraging a calming happiness when you take our premium quality St. Johns Wort. We keep it simple by having a guarantee of 1,000 mg in each serving of St. Johns Wort.
  • Premium Quality - our quality is guaranteed because we are the only distributors of St. Johns Wort backed by Board Certified Natural Doctor, Valerie Nelson and created in approved facilities. That's right, you can trust that this St. Johns Wort is going to be the highest quality on the market because we firmly believe your health deserves the best, or we wouldn't put our stamp of approval on it!
  • Natural Mood Booster - this happiness boosting supplement may help people who suffer with sadness & stressful thoughts as it naturally calms the brain. Dr. Nelson recommends taking for a few days to fully feel the benefits. If you suffer with severe sadness, this doesn't replace current medical program. This promotes positive moods & calms emotional stress.
  • 100% Guarantee to You - Love it or we will take it back, no questions asked!
  • $23.38








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