Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Hypnosis CD / MP3 and A...

Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Hypnosis CD / MP3 and A...

Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Hypnosis CD / MP3 and APP (3 IN 1 PURCHASE!) - Ease Symptoms of IBS Using the Power of Your Mind With This Hypnotherapy CD

  • A SCIENTIFIC SOLUTION Unlike most natural remedies, hypnosis is backed by centuries of clinical research, and hypnotherapy has the full endorsement of the British and American Medical Association
  • TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE FROM IBS Hypnotherapy can help you get freedom from the pain, bloating and other symptoms that stand in your way of living life to the fullest
  • SIDE EFFECT FREE Unlike herbs and medications, hypnotherapy is completely safe! Just relax and let the audio track act on your subconscious!
  • ROUND THE CLOCK IBS RELIEF Day and evening tracks let you fit hypnotherapy into your daily schedule
  • A NEW IBS SOLUTION Thousands have already gotten relief from irritable bowel syndrome with the help of Mark Bowden's methods. They're guaranteed to work for you, too!
  • Upvotes: 179
  • Product Code: 2130289
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $27.15








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